Saturday, November 7, 2009

movie review

A Day without a Mexican is a great comedy movie to watch. A Day without a Mexican is a fictional film. The director Sergio Arau and his wife Yareli Arizmendi how co-wrote the film scrip, got the idea while they visited New York. They found the City observing a “Day without Art,” on which museums and galleries closed down to draw attention to the devastating effect of the Aids epidemic on the art world. “Maybe what California needs is a day without Mexicans,” to revalue the role we play," said actress Arizmendi, who stars in the film. Sergio Arau and Yareli Arizmendi new what they were doing when they wrote the movie, and the movie shows that they new what would happen if Mexicans were to leave. The movie has many characters, but the main stars are Yareli Raimondi who also stars in the movie Like Water for Chocolate, and John Getz who stars in the movies Curly Sue, and Zodiac.

The movie, A Day without a Mexican is a great movie, it shows that if all immigrants were to leave it would have a deleterious affect in the United States. The movie won three awards, Special Jury Award Latin Film, Golden India Catalina Best Screenplay, and Mayahuel Award Best Editing. The movie is about a mysterious cloud that envelops California and magically removes all Latinos. Cars are abandoned in the street, food is left cooking on the stove, and Americans are freaking out. They get many theories about Latinos evanescent, like they were abducted by aliens, it was an attack of bio terrorism, or Latinos are God’s chosen one. The movie has many funny parts, one of my favorites is when the border patrol has nothing to do and they start looking for jobs. They are very bored but in the end they detect two Mexican men in the border, the whole unit goes out to get them even with helicopters. The borders Patrol are super happy and they start hugging the immigrants.

A Day Without A Mexican Was Great. The movie had a few scenes that gave a little information about illegal immigration to the United States. It did give some information I already new like, the United States is made up of immigrants, Immigrants work hard and help the economy, and how most immigrants are the one’s working labor jobs that Americans can’t or won’t do. The movie didn’t give a lot of info I think because it was a comedy and because it’s impossible for immigrants to leave the United States. So the movie was pretty much about how thing would be if Latinos were to leave. The message the movie gave me was that Mexicans are important and you should appreciate them even if you don’t like them.


  1. I have actually watched this movie, and I think it doeas an amazing job portraying a Mexican's role in the U.S. Your blog really made me want to go back and watch this movie again. Good job using lines from the movie. My only comment is try picking a darker color for your format because it was really hard to read. Good job!

  2. Yellow is really hard to read on the screen like this. Vocab is good, but instead of "theories about Latinos evanescent," it should be "theories about evanescent Latinos" because evanescent is an adjective.
