Saturday, October 31, 2009

Reflective Blog

Illegal Immigration to the United States was my second choice in topic. I had decided I wanted to write about Mexican History first, but since one of my friends also wanted to do Mexican History I let her do it, so I ended up doing my second choice in topic, Illegal Immigration to the United States. I wrote about Illegal Immigration to the United States because I wanted to understand the topic more. I am surrounded by immigrants, and I wanted to understand their situation. Also many people are churlish against immigrants, and I wanted to know why, as well as why they migrate to the United States. Researching and writing the blog about Illegal Immigration to the United States, I was able to answer those questions and I was also able to learn more about the topic.

I gained knowledge of what immigrants went through to get to the United States and the difficulties they faced once being here. I learned that immigration has a good and a bad side. For example, many people dislike immigrants, and one reason for that is that they believe immigrants are taking citizen’s jobs. But the good side is that immigrants take jobs that citizens don’t want and that are low paid. Also, I learned that many different people from all over the world circumnavigated to the United States. They come to better their life: to escape economic problems, persecution, and other things. Immigrants migrate to countries more advanced then theirs. I also discovered the pros and cons of an amnesty: how some people disagree with giving illegal immigrants an amnesty but how immigrants will help the economy.

I gained much more knowledge of illegal immigration to the United States, but now I feel that I know plenty of the topics and I’m bored of it. I feel I know enough about Illegal Immigration to the United States. I know how and when Illegal Immigration started. I learned why immigration is good or bad and the different opinions about an amnesty. I know what immigrants faced when coming here and how they were taken advantage of. Now, what I don’t know much about is how immigrants become citizens, so I would like to research about that.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Daisy this reflection blog was good, I liked how you used big vocab and also it had a good flow.My opinion on immigration is that it does have two sides like you mentioned...GREAT JOB!
