Saturday, October 17, 2009

Survey Blog

This week I set out to find what people in my school think about illegal immigration to the United States. I asked three questions to fifteen different people. The questions I asked were about illegal immigration to the United States. I asked the questions because I wanted to have different opinions about illegal immigration to the United States. The first question was how much do you know about illegal immigration to the United States? Most of the people said they knew a little, five said they knew a lot, one they knew everything, and another one said they hardly knew anything. The second question I asked was do you support illegal immigrants in the United States? The majority said yes, four said they didn’t know/care, and one said no. The next question was do you think the border fence was a waste of time and money? Ten said yes four said I don’t know, and only one said no. The final question was do you think President Obama will reform immigration policy? Seven voted yes, five voted I don’t know, and three voted no.

From the fifteen voters eight were female and seven were male. From those eight females, three were Latinas, four Anglos, and only one with another ethnicity. From the three Latinas, two said they knew a lot about illegal immigration. The other Latina said she knew a little. One of the female Anglos said they knew a lot about illegal immigration, and the other three said they knew a little. The female with another ethnicity voted that she knew a lot about illegal immigration. All three female Latinas voted yes on supporting illegal immigrants in the United States. Three female Anglos voted yes in supporting illegal immigrants, and the other one voted I don’t know/ care. The last female with a different ethnicity voted yes in supporting illegal immigrants in the U.S.

The next question was do you think the border fence was a waste of time and money? Two female Latinas said they didn’t know the other one voted yes. All four female Anglos voted yes on the question, and the female with another ethnicity also voted yes. The last question I asked was do you think Obama will reform immigration policy? Two female Latinas voted I don’t know, and the other Latina voted yes. Two female Anglos voted yes on the question. One voted no, and the last female Anglo voted I don’t know. The female with another ethnicity voted I don’t know.

From the seven male voters, three were Latinos, three Anglos, and the other one had another ethnicity. Two male Latinos voted that they knew a little about illegal immigration and the other one voted that they knew everything. Two male Anglo voters voted that they knew a little about illegal immigration. The other one voted that he knew a lot. The last male voter with a different ethnicity voted that he hardly knew anything about illegal immigration to the United States. Do you support illegal immigration? Two male Latinos voted yes and the other one voted I don’t know / care. One male Anglo voted yes, the other Anglo voted no, and the last male voter voted I don’t know/care. The last male voter with another ethnicity voted that he didn’t know. The next question was do you think the border fence was a waste of time and money? All three male Latinos voted yes. One male Anglo said no, the other said yes, and the last male Anglo voter said he didn’t know/care. The voter with another ethnicity said he didn’t know. The last question was do you think Obama will reform immigration policy? Two male Latinos said yes, and the other one said no. Two male Anglos said yes and the other Anglo said no. The voter with another ethnicity said he didn’t know.

The way people voted turned out to be okay. Even though most of the answers turned out to be the same there were some questions with different answers. Why people voted the way they did, I don’t know. I do know that the majority don’t have anything against illegal immigrants; I believe this because most people said they didn’t know/care about illegal immigration to the United States. To further my topic, I should keep up with what is going on with illegal immigration today, how it affects different people, and why. I could also describe why this topic should be kept from bellicose actions, why immigrants have to cross the border using chicanery.

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