Tuesday, November 24, 2009


This pie graph shows national origins of illegal immigrants in the year 2004. The graph shows the percent of immigrants in the United States. Mexican immigrants have the biggest percent. The percent of Mexicans in the U.S is 57%, saying 5.9 million Mexicans are in the U.S illegally. The second highest immigrant group is other Latin American with the percent of 24, and is 2.5 million people in the United States. Asia immigrants make up 1.0 million in the U.S and make up 9% in the graph. Europe and Canada are the second last. They are 6% in our graph and they make up 0.6 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. The last immigrant group in the United States is Africa and other, who make 4% and there are only 0.4 million immigrants in the U.S.
The data I got is easy to understand. It has different countries with the percent they cover in the United States Illegally. I don't think the source is reliable because it shows information from 2004. And the source doesn't seem reliable because I haven’t heard of it. The graph explained to me why the government has very high political acumen against the Mexicans and other Latin Americans, and it is because they are the most illegal group in the United States. The graph also shows that immigrants circumnavigate from all over the world to get to the United States. Even though they don't have a high percent in the U.S. they still come here illegally.

Passel, Jeffery. "National Origins Of Illegal Immigrants:2004." Www.willisms.com. 14 June 2005. 24 Nov. 2009 .

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Illegal Immigration and Health Coverage

The article for this week’s bog that I chose was, Illegal Immigration May Be a Rift Issue. I got the article from The New York Times. I started with the New York Times because it would be easy to choose an article from the last thirty days. When I got to the New York Times site, I typed in my topic, Illegal Immigration to the United States. The first article that popped out was Illegal Immigration May Be a Rift Issue. I chose that article because it was posted that same day I got it. Another reason why I chose the article was that I did not know anything about what was going on with Illegal Immigrants and health care, but now I epiphany it.

The article mostly had facts that talked about health care and illegal immigrants. The legislation house confronted with the senate about Illegal Immigrants having access to public resources. Immigrants will not be able to benefit from health coverage. Illegal Immigrants have to pay the full cost of their policies, but emergency rooms still have to treat immigrants. Many people how oppose, believe that immigrants will not be able to afford paying their health costs. Eric C. Rodriguez vice president of La Raza said, “These folks are not getting public benefits. It’s like saying that unauthorized workers should not use our highways or the internet.” Rodriquez believes that some immigrant families might fear gaining coverage for their kids that are citizens.

I think that it is not fair for immigrants to benefit from health coverage. I do not think its fair because immigrants are in the United Sates and they work hard like any other American living here. I feel that it is discrimination towards them. Immigrants are not rich, most work labor jobs for cheap wages, which probably means that they will not be able to afford their health care without help. The only things that I agree with from this article are that immigrant families with citizen children will be scared to ask for health care help for their children. In addition, I think that it is good that emergency rooms have to help immigrants when needing treatment.

Illegal Immigration May Be a Rift Issue was a very short and jejune article. The article was new for me and the health issue is unfair for illegal immigrants. I think that people should remember that immigrants that are in the U.S. In addition, they work hard for cheap pay. It is unfair for them pay health coverage when they are not paid enough to afford it. Over all it think that it is Unfair for Illegal Immigrants to pay health coverage.


Slack, Kevin. "Illegal Immigration May Be a Rift Issue." New York Times 11 Nov. 2009, Health sec.: 1-4. Print.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Article review's

Two articles with different view points on the boarder fence are, No Mas! Why the Border Fence is Not Enough, and Michael Ramos-Lynch '09: Border fence a bad idea - and illegal, too. The first article, No Mas! Why the Border Fence is Not Enough was written by Jon Stonger he is a novelist and short story writer. The other article is, Michael Ramos-Lynch '09: Border fence a bad idea - and illegal, too, an article that came out in the Brown Daily Herald. Both articles have opposing view points on the border fence. The first article agrees with the border fence. Second article believes that the border fence is a bad idea.

The first article talks about how the border fence in the south is doing good, keeping people out. It also talks about building a wall in the north because if the south wall is doing well then building a wall in the north will do well to. If a wall were to be build it would keep out more foreigners from circumnavigating to the U.S.A., along with terrorists, and drug dealers. Then the article talks about how, “If a wall works so well for the southern and northern border, why not extend it to the seas?” The author then talks about how we should build a wall in the seas. “The wall sections would extend several feet below the surface so that no one could swim underneath it.” To summarize this article, the author thinks that the border fence is a good idea and that there should be a wall in the north and in the seas.

The second article is about how the border fence is a bad idea, and how it’s unfair for immigrants. “The mayor of Laredo, Raul Salinas, stated in a National Public Radio report, "These are people that are sustaining our economy by forty percent, and I am gonna close the door on them and put a wall? You don't do that. It's like a slap in the face." (browndailyherald.com) “Texas Governor Rick Perry, have stated that the border should actually be less restrictive and that more money should be invested in supporting legal immigration.” (browndailyherald.com)The second article also says that the fence has harmed the animal’s environment. Besides being unfair for immigrants and harming animals, the governments made a 3 million mistake when building the fence. The border fence is also gerrymandering Native Americans that live along the border. “The border fence is therefore being built on a foundation of extensive injustices.” (browndailyherald.com). This article concludes that the border fence is a bad idea.

Both articles did mention that the border affects the environment, but that is the only thing that they have in common. No Mas! Why the Border Fence is Not Enough, and Michael Ramos-Lynch '09: Border fences a bad idea - and illegal, too, both had different view points on the border fence. No Mas! Why the Border Fence is Not Enough thinks that the border fence is a good idea and we should have more walls protecting the United States. Michael Ramos-Lynch '09: Border fence a bad idea - and illegal, too, talks about how the border fence is a bad idea and is unfair for Immigrants. Both articles with opposing view points.


"Michael Ramos-Lynch '09: Border fence a bad idea - and illegal, too." www.browndailyherald.com. Jihan Chao · College Publisher powered by mtvU and MTV Networks, 12 Apr. 2009. Web. 13 Nov. 2009. .

Stonger, Jon. "No Mas! Why the Border Fence is Not Enough." Www.hereticalideas.com. 7 Aug. 2008. Web. 13 Oct. 2009. .

Saturday, November 7, 2009

movie review

A Day without a Mexican is a great comedy movie to watch. A Day without a Mexican is a fictional film. The director Sergio Arau and his wife Yareli Arizmendi how co-wrote the film scrip, got the idea while they visited New York. They found the City observing a “Day without Art,” on which museums and galleries closed down to draw attention to the devastating effect of the Aids epidemic on the art world. “Maybe what California needs is a day without Mexicans,” to revalue the role we play," said actress Arizmendi, who stars in the film. Sergio Arau and Yareli Arizmendi new what they were doing when they wrote the movie, and the movie shows that they new what would happen if Mexicans were to leave. The movie has many characters, but the main stars are Yareli Raimondi who also stars in the movie Like Water for Chocolate, and John Getz who stars in the movies Curly Sue, and Zodiac.

The movie, A Day without a Mexican is a great movie, it shows that if all immigrants were to leave it would have a deleterious affect in the United States. The movie won three awards, Special Jury Award Latin Film, Golden India Catalina Best Screenplay, and Mayahuel Award Best Editing. The movie is about a mysterious cloud that envelops California and magically removes all Latinos. Cars are abandoned in the street, food is left cooking on the stove, and Americans are freaking out. They get many theories about Latinos evanescent, like they were abducted by aliens, it was an attack of bio terrorism, or Latinos are God’s chosen one. The movie has many funny parts, one of my favorites is when the border patrol has nothing to do and they start looking for jobs. They are very bored but in the end they detect two Mexican men in the border, the whole unit goes out to get them even with helicopters. The borders Patrol are super happy and they start hugging the immigrants.

A Day Without A Mexican Was Great. The movie had a few scenes that gave a little information about illegal immigration to the United States. It did give some information I already new like, the United States is made up of immigrants, Immigrants work hard and help the economy, and how most immigrants are the one’s working labor jobs that Americans can’t or won’t do. The movie didn’t give a lot of info I think because it was a comedy and because it’s impossible for immigrants to leave the United States. So the movie was pretty much about how thing would be if Latinos were to leave. The message the movie gave me was that Mexicans are important and you should appreciate them even if you don’t like them.