Thursday, January 14, 2010

last blog!!

This is my last blog post on my topic, Illegal Immigration to The United States. From my topic I learned a lot. I will reflect on how I feel about my topic, and on how this research project has help me. This first semester I don’t think I have changed much. I did what I had to do but other then learning about my topic I don’t I learned anything else.
This semester I have been an outstanding student. I have turned in all my assignments on time and if I have any doubts, I come in and ask for help and clarification. When I need help with something, I go to my friends first, and then my teacher. Sometimes I won’t get a chance to get my paper revised and ill just do what I can on it. I’m pretty responsible, so when it came down to doing my blogs I used my time wisely. When finished with my assignment, I had some one edit it and see if I wasn’t missing anything that I needed.
I noticed that researching is really hard when you do it right. You have to write citations have your sources in order and add quotations to back up what you write. Different types of writing weren’t hard for me, once I had them explained. The hardest thing for me was writing in third person. It was hard for me because I’m used to writhing in first person. My non fiction book was boring but it had a lot of information that I didn’t know. I didn’t use the information on my book because it was an old book that isn’t reliable today. I think that by doing these blogs I made my self a stronger researcher. I think this because we wrote blogs every week, and most of the time we had to research our topic. The problem I have and have always had is putting my information together so it flows. Also that my blogs aren’t always edited and even if they you could still find mistakes in them.
All the information that I learned I will keep, especially current issues today. My topic will always stay with me because I come from an immigrant family. Because of that I will continue to get more information on the topic. When I started this topic I didn’t any much, but now I have more knowledge on it. I like the topic I chose but it got boring writing about it every week. This topic will stick with me forever, and I’m glad that I got the chance to get more information then I new about it.

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