Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Illegal immigration has been happening since a long long time ago. People have been coming to America since Christopher Columbus discovered it. People have been coming to the USA, because of the promises, a better life, and because of freedom. I chose this topic because i thought it would be interesting to know how, and why, people really came to America. Also because everyone is a immigrant and i want to know what they went trough to get here. Why did people come to America? Why didn't they stay in there home land? What time did the first immigrants come to America? those are questions i want to know and figure out at the end of all my research paper.

1 comment:

  1. I think it would be interesting to also look at the immigration laws-- why is it so hard for people to come legally? Why don't we let everyone come? What is the impact of illegal immigration on the U.S.? Are there more benefits or more detriments?
