Saturday, December 19, 2009
my chioce blog
690 S 2nd Street
Carbondale, CO 81623
President Barack Obama
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear Mr. President,
I’m a high school student researching Illegal Immigration in the United States. I am writing this letter to you because there is no better person, that can make a change in the United States. You come from a humble family to being president and that is a huge success you have made.
Illegal Immigrants made America. Immigrants have lived in the United States for many years and they should be legalized. If illegal immigrants were to be legalized that would be one less problem for you and the United States to worry about. There are many immigrants in the United States, and immigrants are still circumnavigating around the border to get here. The government can’t propel all immigrants back to their home, or cease them from coming here. The best way to deal with Illegal immigrants is by legalizing them. Now that we have this recession many immigrants are going back to their homeland, but some immigrants have stayed. They have stayed because they have been here for many years and they have made the United States their home. They have adopted the United State culture, and they try to blend in.
Illegal immigrants do help the United States and the immigrants that have been here for many years should be legalized. Instead of sending ICE to go invade their jobs, you should legalize them. They made the United States their home, and they help our economy even thought they get taken advantage of. When you send immigrants back to their home land, you’re sending them back to nothing, so they end up coming back to the United States illegally. By legalizing immigrants they won’t have to break the law to get here and they would stop using illegal documentation. Immigrants have their children born here. Most kids don’t even finish high school, because their parents are immigrants and they have to drop out to work, and help them. If immigrants were to be legalized their children will finish high school, go to collage graduate, and then they would work for the United States.
Being president you have the power to make change. When debating the issues the congress filibuster’s the issue and change never occurs. You need to take positive action towards legalizing immigrants. By legalizing immigrants you well be a better known president. When it comes to voting for a new president again, people will believe you and support you, the people will know that you make change happen, and you will have more votes.
I hope to hear from you soon, and I hope you can make change happen.
Thank you for your time.
Daisy Salinas
Monday, December 14, 2009
Passel, Jeffery. "National Origins Of Illegal Immigrants:2004." 14 June 2005. 24 Nov. 2009 .
This is the source were I got my graph from. The pie graph shows national origins of illegal immigrants in the year 2004. By showing me the percentage and the different types of immigrants in the United States, I know that immigrants from all over the world circumnavigate the borders to get to the United States. I already new that so the graph doesn‘t help me much. This graph is only good because it gives me a visual of the many different types of immigrants groups in the United States. It also shows me which immigrant group has the highest and lowest percentage in The United States. This source was okay because it wasn’t bias and I think it shows the right information. Other then that I don’t think it is reliable. The source isn’t reliable because it gives me information from 2004. And the source is about four years old. The graph on my blog, made people see the percentage of different immigrants in the United States, and I think it helped because some people understand better in visual.
Slack, Kevin. "Illegal Immigration May Be a Rift Issue." New York Times 11 Nov. 2009, Health sec.: 1-4. Print
This source was an article from the New York Times. It talked about Illegal immigrants and health issues. It said immigrants would not be able to benefit from health coverage Illegal Immigrants have to pay the full cost of their policies, but emergency rooms still have to treat immigrants. The article just let us know what was going on with immigrants and health. The author didn’t give his opinion but other people did like, Eric C. Rodriguez vice president of La Raza. He said, “These folks are not getting public benefits. It’s like saying that unauthorized workers should not use our highways or the internet.” The article was not bias because it was full of facts. It was a good source because it came from the news paper and it gave facts. It was also very recent, and reliable. This source gave me information that I didn’t know and that was good because I learned something new.
"Michael Ramos-Lynch '09: Border fence a bad idea - and illegal, too." Jihan Chao · College Publisher powered by move and MTV Networks, 12 Apr. 2009. Web. 13 Nov. 2009.
This article came out in the Brown Daily Herald. The article talks about how the border fence is a bad idea. It moves on to how it’s unfair for immigrants. And the article ends with making the border fence look bad. It says that the fence has harmed the animal’s environment and the governments made a 3 million mistake when building the fence. It gives examples of what people think about the fence. For example, “The mayor of Laredo, Raul Salinas, stated in a National Public Radio report, "These are people that are sustaining our economy by forty percent, and I am gonna close the door on them and put a wall? You don't do that. It's like a slap in the face. The article was new to me because I didn’t know much about the border fence, and I thought that most Americans agreed with it. I think that if people read this article they will have a positive side when it comes down to illegal immigrants. They would also learn some thing to, like that the border fence harmed animals and that the border fence wasn’t such a good idea to build. I think this source was reliable because it was on the news paper and the publisher was MTV.
Stonger, Jon. "No Mas! Why the Border Fence is Not Enough." 7 Aug. 2008. Web. 13 Oct. 2009.
This source talked about how the border fence was not enough. It pretty much gave ideas on other ways to keep immigrants out of the United States. It said that if the border fence in the south is doing good keeping people out, then building a wall in the north well be good to. If a wall were to be build in the north it would keep out more foreigners. The author also talked about how we should build a wall under seas, and a type of force field in the sky. The article went on to how the border wasn’t enough and that by building more fences it ill keep out terrorist and drug dealers. This article was the opinion of a person, therefore it just gives me different view points on illegal immigration. That’s good because I see different side on my topic. AlSo the author gave his ideas on what he though about the border and those are new ideas to me that I didn’t know about. I don’t think this source is reliable because it’s just a random person’s opinion.
"Illegal immigration." Us immigration support, 2009. Web. 6 Oct. 2009. <
I used this source to do my website review. It was one of my first sources, and it gave me lot information this website talked about illegal immigration to the United States. It talked about why immigrants come to the United States. How they come here, what they do when they are in the United States, how they live, and are treated here. This was a very good and reliable source. It gave information that I new already, and other information that I didn’t. It was fast to navigate, it was laid out perfectly, and it doesn’t use circumlocution, I could find information fast and it got to the point. The best thing is that it is an independent organization; it’s not trying to make money like other websites. It provides you with reliable information because what is written is checked before being posted.
Head, Tom. "Why I Support Amnesty for Undocumented Immigrants." 2009. Web. 23 Oct. 2009.
This source was about amnesty. I talked about how the author supports illegal immigration amnesty. The author shares his reasons. He goes on to explain that
12 to 20 million people are already leaving in the United States, and an amnesty will only benefit certain people. Amnesty is a good solution that would benefit both the United States and illegal immigrants. The source shows the authors view points and he backed up why immigrants should have amnesty. The website did look good but I don’t think this source is reliable because its persons view points. It didn’t help much but I thought it was good that he shared his opinion and was able to back it up.
Those were my six sources. Some were bias, others gave and pointed out facts. But I used all of them in my topic, and they helped me get my work done.
Friday, December 4, 2009
690 S 2nd street
Carbondale, CO. 81623
Secretary Janet Napolitano
Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528
Dear Janet Napolitano,
I’m a high school student researching Illegal Immigration to the United States. I decided to write this letter to you because you’re a woman, were governor, and now you're head of the Department of Homeland Security. You have definitely succeeded in life, and I feel you can make a difference.
Illegal Immigrants have been in the United States for many years and they should be legalized. If Illegal Immigrants were to be legalized, it would benefit both immigrants and the United States. There are many Illegal Immigrants in the United States, and immigrants are still circumnavigating around the border to get here. The government can’t propel all immigrants back to their home, or cease them from coming here. Because of that, many people have political acumen against immigrants. Immigrants pay a high price to get to the United States. They have to leave their family and their home because of economy problems. Some immigrants migrate with their family, other time its just teens that come here to help their parents back at home. Some kids have lived in the United States since they were kindergartners. They adopt the language and the culture. Some finish high school and want to go to college but can’t because it’s harder for illegal immigrants to go; they end up working for low wages, and they never seem to succeed in life. When Immigrants get to the United States they are taken advantage of and harassed. By legalizing immigrants they will have an easier time assimilating the U.S. culture; they will pay taxes like every American, and stop using false documents. By legalizing immigrants, immigration to the United States will be one less issue to take care of.
Please consider these words, and I hope you can take positive action towards legalizing Illegal Immigrants in the United States.
Thank you for your time
Daisy Salinas
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The data I got is easy to understand. It has different countries with the percent they cover in the United States Illegally. I don't think the source is reliable because it shows information from 2004. And the source doesn't seem reliable because I haven’t heard of it. The graph explained to me why the government has very high political acumen against the Mexicans and other Latin Americans, and it is because they are the most illegal group in the

Passel, Jeffery. "National Origins Of Illegal Immigrants:2004." 14 June 2005. 24 Nov. 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Illegal Immigration and Health Coverage
The article for this week’s bog that I chose was, Illegal Immigration May Be a Rift Issue. I got the article from The New York Times. I started with the New York Times because it would be easy to choose an article from the last thirty days. When I got to the New York Times site, I typed in my topic, Illegal Immigration to the United States. The first article that popped out was Illegal Immigration May Be a Rift Issue. I chose that article because it was posted that same day I got it. Another reason why I chose the article was that I did not know anything about what was going on with Illegal Immigrants and health care, but now I epiphany it.
The article mostly had facts that talked about health care and illegal immigrants. The legislation house confronted with the senate about Illegal Immigrants having access to public resources. Immigrants will not be able to benefit from health coverage. Illegal Immigrants have to pay the full cost of their policies, but emergency rooms still have to treat immigrants. Many people how oppose, believe that immigrants will not be able to afford paying their health costs. Eric C. Rodriguez vice president of La Raza said, “These folks are not getting public benefits. It’s like saying that unauthorized workers should not use our highways or the internet.” Rodriquez believes that some immigrant families might fear gaining coverage for their kids that are citizens.
I think that it is not fair for immigrants to benefit from health coverage. I do not think its fair because immigrants are in the United Sates and they work hard like any other American living here. I feel that it is discrimination towards them. Immigrants are not rich, most work labor jobs for cheap wages, which probably means that they will not be able to afford their health care without help. The only things that I agree with from this article are that immigrant families with citizen children will be scared to ask for health care help for their children. In addition, I think that it is good that emergency rooms have to help immigrants when needing treatment.
Illegal Immigration May Be a Rift Issue was a very short and jejune article. The article was new for me and the health issue is unfair for illegal immigrants. I think that people should remember that immigrants that are in the U.S. In addition, they work hard for cheap pay. It is unfair for them pay health coverage when they are not paid enough to afford it. Over all it think that it is Unfair for Illegal Immigrants to pay health coverage.
Slack, Kevin. "Illegal Immigration May Be a Rift Issue." New York Times 11 Nov. 2009, Health sec.: 1-4. Print.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Article review's
Two articles with different view points on the boarder fence are, No Mas! Why the Border Fence is Not Enough, and Michael Ramos-Lynch '09: Border fence a bad idea - and illegal, too. The first article, No Mas! Why the Border Fence is Not Enough was written by Jon Stonger he is a novelist and short story writer. The other article is, Michael Ramos-Lynch '09: Border fence a bad idea - and illegal, too, an article that came out in the Brown Daily Herald. Both articles have opposing view points on the border fence. The first article agrees with the border fence. Second article believes that the border fence is a bad idea.
The first article talks about how the border fence in the south is doing good, keeping people out. It also talks about building a wall in the north because if the south wall is doing well then building a wall in the north will do well to. If a wall were to be build it would keep out more foreigners from circumnavigating to the U.S.A., along with terrorists, and drug dealers. Then the article talks about how, “If a wall works so well for the southern and northern border, why not extend it to the seas?” The author then talks about how we should build a wall in the seas. “The wall sections would extend several feet below the surface so that no one could swim underneath it.” To summarize this article, the author thinks that the border fence is a good idea and that there should be a wall in the north and in the seas.
The second article is about how the border fence is a bad idea, and how it’s unfair for immigrants. “The mayor of Laredo, Raul Salinas, stated in a National Public Radio report, "These are people that are sustaining our economy by forty percent, and I am gonna close the door on them and put a wall? You don't do that. It's like a slap in the face." ( “Texas Governor Rick Perry, have stated that the border should actually be less restrictive and that more money should be invested in supporting legal immigration.” ( second article also says that the fence has harmed the animal’s environment. Besides being unfair for immigrants and harming animals, the governments made a 3 million mistake when building the fence. The border fence is also gerrymandering Native Americans that live along the border. “The border fence is therefore being built on a foundation of extensive injustices.” ( This article concludes that the border fence is a bad idea.
Both articles did mention that the border affects the environment, but that is the only thing that they have in common. No Mas! Why the Border Fence is Not Enough, and Michael Ramos-Lynch '09: Border fences a bad idea - and illegal, too, both had different view points on the border fence. No Mas! Why the Border Fence is Not Enough thinks that the border fence is a good idea and we should have more walls protecting the United States. Michael Ramos-Lynch '09: Border fence a bad idea - and illegal, too, talks about how the border fence is a bad idea and is unfair for Immigrants. Both articles with opposing view points.
"Michael Ramos-Lynch '09: Border fence a bad idea - and illegal, too." Jihan Chao · College Publisher powered by mtvU and MTV Networks, 12 Apr. 2009. Web. 13 Nov. 2009.
Stonger, Jon. "No Mas! Why the Border Fence is Not Enough." 7 Aug. 2008. Web. 13 Oct. 2009.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
movie review
A Day without a Mexican is a great comedy movie to watch. A Day without a Mexican is a fictional film. The director Sergio Arau and his wife Yareli Arizmendi how co-wrote the film scrip, got the idea while they visited New York. They found the City observing a “Day without Art,” on which museums and galleries closed down to draw attention to the devastating effect of the Aids epidemic on the art world. “Maybe what California needs is a day without Mexicans,” to revalue the role we play," said actress Arizmendi, who stars in the film. Sergio Arau and Yareli Arizmendi new what they were doing when they wrote the movie, and the movie shows that they new what would happen if Mexicans were to leave. The movie has many characters, but the main stars are Yareli Raimondi who also stars in the movie Like Water for Chocolate, and John Getz who stars in the movies Curly Sue, and Zodiac.
The movie, A Day without a Mexican is a great movie, it shows that if all immigrants were to leave it would have a deleterious affect in the United States. The movie won three awards, Special Jury Award Latin Film, Golden India Catalina Best Screenplay, and Mayahuel Award Best Editing. The movie is about a mysterious cloud that envelops California and magically removes all Latinos. Cars are abandoned in the street, food is left cooking on the stove, and Americans are freaking out. They get many theories about Latinos evanescent, like they were abducted by aliens, it was an attack of bio terrorism, or Latinos are God’s chosen one. The movie has many funny parts, one of my favorites is when the border patrol has nothing to do and they start looking for jobs. They are very bored but in the end they detect two Mexican men in the border, the whole unit goes out to get them even with helicopters. The borders Patrol are super happy and they start hugging the immigrants.
A Day Without A Mexican Was Great. The movie had a few scenes that gave a little information about illegal immigration to the United States. It did give some information I already new like, the United States is made up of immigrants, Immigrants work hard and help the economy, and how most immigrants are the one’s working labor jobs that Americans can’t or won’t do. The movie didn’t give a lot of info I think because it was a comedy and because it’s impossible for immigrants to leave the United States. So the movie was pretty much about how thing would be if Latinos were to leave. The message the movie gave me was that Mexicans are important and you should appreciate them even if you don’t like them.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Reflective Blog
Illegal Immigration to the United States was my second choice in topic. I had decided I wanted to write about Mexican History first, but since one of my friends also wanted to do Mexican History I let her do it, so I ended up doing my second choice in topic, Illegal Immigration to the United States. I wrote about Illegal Immigration to the United States because I wanted to understand the topic more. I am surrounded by immigrants, and I wanted to understand their situation. Also many people are churlish against immigrants, and I wanted to know why, as well as why they migrate to the United States. Researching and writing the blog about Illegal Immigration to the United States, I was able to answer those questions and I was also able to learn more about the topic.
I gained knowledge of what immigrants went through to get to the United States and the difficulties they faced once being here. I learned that immigration has a good and a bad side. For example, many people dislike immigrants, and one reason for that is that they believe immigrants are taking citizen’s jobs. But the good side is that immigrants take jobs that citizens don’t want and that are low paid. Also, I learned that many different people from all over the world circumnavigated to the United States. They come to better their life: to escape economic problems, persecution, and other things. Immigrants migrate to countries more advanced then theirs. I also discovered the pros and cons of an amnesty: how some people disagree with giving illegal immigrants an amnesty but how immigrants will help the economy.
I gained much more knowledge of illegal immigration to the United States, but now I feel that I know plenty of the topics and I’m bored of it. I feel I know enough about Illegal Immigration to the United States. I know how and when Illegal Immigration started. I learned why immigration is good or bad and the different opinions about an amnesty. I know what immigrants faced when coming here and how they were taken advantage of. Now, what I don’t know much about is how immigrants become citizens, so I would like to research about that.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Amnesty for illegal immigrants
Amnesty is an acceptable solution for illegal immigration because it wouldn’t be fair for immigrants to be kicked out of the United States. Amnesty will raise economy, and lessen conflicts between illegal immigration. An amnesty would be auspicious for illegal immigrants. Amnesty is a pardon, especially for those who have committed political crimes. In this case immigration amnesty would forgive the act of their illegal immigration, driving and working with false documents, and other related illegal acts. Immigration amnesty would benefit 12 to 20 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States, (us
The United States can’t and won’t throw out the illegal immigrants from the United States. President Obama said, "We are not going to ship back 12 million people, we're not going to do it as a practical matter. We would have to take all our law enforcement that we have available and we would have to use it and put people on buses, and rip families apart, and that's not who we are, that's not what America is about. So what I've proposed... is you say we're going to bring these folks out of the shadows. We're going to make them pay a fine, they are going to have to learn English, they are going to have to go to the back of the line...but they will have a pathway to citizenship over the course of 10 years.” (Us It’s not possible that the United States can send all immigrants back home. And obama already said that he wouldn’t. McCain said, "I know of no one who believes you can just round up 12 million people.”( Therefore it doesn’t matter if 12 million immigrants are granted citizenship or not because ether way you cant send them all back home. Immigrants are already here and trying to make a better life.
Many immigrants have been in the United States for many years. Immigrants work hard and have a right to be in the United States. Obama said "Everybody who lives within these borders has a right to a life that is full of opportunity.” Illegal immigrants are hard workers, and the government does make money of them. If an amnesty were to happen it would benefited both illegal immigrants and the United States. “Cheap labor adds to the flexibility of business, leading to cheaper prices, better quality products, and higher profits“. ( Immigrants help the United States because it increases the diversity and expands the culture of the country. Immigrants take jobs that Americans don’t want, and that gives immigrants jobs in the U.S. that others don’t want to do. Immigrants use different identities therefore they don’t file tax returns, or do other typical things Americans do. Legal immigrants don’t have to hide. Since they don’t have to hide they have time to attend school to learn history, English and marketable skills. Legal immigrants are more likely to assimilate with other Americans and adopt the culture. Lastly, they can eventually earn the right to vote and participate in our political process, meaning they can develop a decision-making stake in the future of our country. Amnesty would be good because both illegal immigrants and the United States will gain from it.
Many people don’t agree in giving immigrants an amnesty. Rep. Edward Royce said,“Amnesty is unfair to law-abiding legal immigrants who work their way through the legal system to obtain citizenship, and it sends the message that individuals who want to come to our country need not follow our laws.” Amnesty for some Americans is a bad idea. More immigrants mean more opportunity for terrorists, drug dealers, and other criminals to enter the country. Poor immigrants consume a high amount of government resources (health care, education, welfare, etc.) without paying a corresponding high rate of taxes. (balanced Less-skilled American citizens earn less money and have fewer job opportunities because they must compete with immigrants in the job market. Conservatives are afraid that an influx of Latino voters will give the Democratic Party an invincible majority in our elected government.
People that don’t want amnesty are very acume toward immigrants. They are afraid of being in a place where no English is spoken, higher unemployment, social services benefits we can't afford to pay, more crime, and new diseases. They are afraid of the unknown. (civil What those people should think about is that the 12 to 20 million people are already leaving in the United States, and an amnesty will only benefit certain people. Amnesty is a good solution that would benefit both the United States and illegal immigrants. Even though some people would disagree Illegal immigrants do help the United States. Since immigrants are already in the United States the government might as will give them the amnesty so they can stop hiding, and start pay taxes and participating with the United States.
Messeril, Joe. "Should America Maintain/Increase the Level of Legal Immigration?" 8 Nov. 2008. Web. 23 Oct. 2009.
mmigration Amnety." 15 July 2009. Web. 23 Oct. 2009.
"Why Amnesty Isn't a Solution." 2007. Web. 23 Oct. 2009.
Head, Tom. "Why I Support Amnesty for Undocumented Immigrants." 2009. Web. 23 Oct. 2009.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Survey Blog
This week I set out to find what people in my school think about illegal immigration to the United States. I asked three questions to fifteen different people. The questions I asked were about illegal immigration to the United States. I asked the questions because I wanted to have different opinions about illegal immigration to the United States. The first question was how much do you know about illegal immigration to the United States? Most of the people said they knew a little, five said they knew a lot, one they knew everything, and another one said they hardly knew anything. The second question I asked was do you support illegal immigrants in the United States? The majority said yes, four said they didn’t know/care, and one said no. The next question was do you think the border fence was a waste of time and money? Ten said yes four said I don’t know, and only one said no. The final question was do you think President Obama will reform immigration policy? Seven voted yes, five voted I don’t know, and three voted no.
From the fifteen voters eight were female and seven were male. From those eight females, three were Latinas, four Anglos, and only one with another ethnicity. From the three Latinas, two said they knew a lot about illegal immigration. The other Latina said she knew a little. One of the female Anglos said they knew a lot about illegal immigration, and the other three said they knew a little. The female with another ethnicity voted that she knew a lot about illegal immigration. All three female Latinas voted yes on supporting illegal immigrants in the United States. Three female Anglos voted yes in supporting illegal immigrants, and the other one voted I don’t know/ care. The last female with a different ethnicity voted yes in supporting illegal immigrants in the U.S.
The next question was do you think the border fence was a waste of time and money? Two female Latinas said they didn’t know the other one voted yes. All four female Anglos voted yes on the question, and the female with another ethnicity also voted yes. The last question I asked was do you think Obama will reform immigration policy? Two female Latinas voted I don’t know, and the other Latina voted yes. Two female Anglos voted yes on the question. One voted no, and the last female Anglo voted I don’t know. The female with another ethnicity voted I don’t know.
From the seven male voters, three were Latinos, three Anglos, and the other one had another ethnicity. Two male Latinos voted that they knew a little about illegal immigration and the other one voted that they knew everything. Two male Anglo voters voted that they knew a little about illegal immigration. The other one voted that he knew a lot. The last male voter with a different ethnicity voted that he hardly knew anything about illegal immigration to the United States. Do you support illegal immigration? Two male Latinos voted yes and the other one voted I don’t know / care. One male Anglo voted yes, the other Anglo voted no, and the last male voter voted I don’t know/care. The last male voter with another ethnicity voted that he didn’t know. The next question was do you think the border fence was a waste of time and money? All three male Latinos voted yes. One male Anglo said no, the other said yes, and the last male Anglo voter said he didn’t know/care. The voter with another ethnicity said he didn’t know. The last question was do you think Obama will reform immigration policy? Two male Latinos said yes, and the other one said no. Two male Anglos said yes and the other Anglo said no. The voter with another ethnicity said he didn’t know.
The way people voted turned out to be okay. Even though most of the answers turned out to be the same there were some questions with different answers. Why people voted the way they did, I don’t know. I do know that the majority don’t have anything against illegal immigrants; I believe this because most people said they didn’t know/care about illegal immigration to the United States. To further my topic, I should keep up with what is going on with illegal immigration today, how it affects different people, and why. I could also describe why this topic should be kept from bellicose actions, why immigrants have to cross the border using chicanery.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
website review
The website is useful, truthful, and gives easy to understand facts on immigration today. The website is fast to navigate, it’s laid out perfectly, and it doesn’t use circumlocution, it gets to the point, and you can find information fast. The best thing is that it is an independent organization; it’s not trying to make money like other websites. It provides you with reliable information because what is written is checked before being posted. It credible because the website has different certificates like, Truste, High- Assurance SSL Security , Trustkeeper and many others that provide email Privacy Seal, trusted download Programs, and protects all information submitted online. Last update was this year in 2009, and it provides contact information. The website talks about what an immigrant is, why they migrated, how they got to the United States, what immigrants do once they’re in the U.S., and it also gives a little background information on immigration. The information given also talks about what some people think about immigration, therefore it’s not biased.
There is a lot of content on this site, so you can learn about many topics. For example, Immigrants are individuals residing in a country illegally. Immigrants are also known as undocumented aliens, migrant, unauthorized migrant, illegal migrant or illegal aliens. Some immigrants enter the country legally but overstay the number of days on their visa or they violate the terms on their permanent resident card or refugee permit. Many immigrants leave loved ones and valuable possessions behind to come to their new home or country. Immigrants leave their home country due to political or economic reasons. Immigrants move to countries with advanced technology, greater resources, or that offer better opportunities for them or their children. Children of illegal immigrants born in the United States automatically gain citizenship.
Some other information I learned on this site is that, there are many different ways that immigrants cross the border to get to the United States. Some circumnavigate different countries to get to the United States. The most popular method use by Caribbean’s is by home made boats because they have to cross the Atlantic Ocean. Immigrants from South America fly into Mexico and there they fine illicit assistance of a coyote (smuggler) to help them cross the borders. If you cross with help of a coyote, they usually cram you into shipping containers, trucks, or boxcars. They may also be able to pay of corrupt authority figures. Most coyotes find a way to get to their destination and it sometimes includes the death of some people. It may also take numerous times to successfully cross the border, because security measures have increased and with advanced technology it’s difficult to pass the border and avoid detection.
The website even addresses some issues with illegal immigration. Once in the United States illegal immigrants become employed in what is known as “low skilled jobs.” Because there’s no requirement to be fluent in the English language, landscaping, construction, restaurants, hospitality, prostitution, agriculture and domestic services are popular with immigrants. “Some argue that illegal immigrants tend to take on the jobs that resident or citizens refuse, while others argue that illegal immigrants take away jobs in general.”( Work regulations in the U.S. prohibit employers from hiring illegal immigrants, but some employers don’t care. Some employers even take advantage of an employee’s undocumented status. Not everyone comes to the United States voluntarily. In the 19th century the importation of slaves was big. They used slaves to work. Eventually that ended but now human trafficking is still common. Young woman are promised jobs, it seems like a good idea at first, they need to escape poverty, but the when they get here they find out their purpose is for prostitution. In general the website gave good information that was easy to follow along. The information was accurate and reliable.
"Illegal immigration." Us immigration support, 2009. Web. 6 Oct. 2009. <
Saturday, September 26, 2009
background information
Immigration I believe is something you can not control. Immigration in the U.S. has existed for a very long time, and it is still occurring to this present day. People will always be coming to America, because they see better opportunities here. In my blog I will talk about the history of immigration, the government, and some of the ways they have tried to control immigration.
Immigration started a few decades after Christopher Columbus discovery in 1492. Before the 1800s the United States didn’t worry about illegal immigration, instead they encouraged immigrants to come to the U.S. Can you believe that? Now in days they make a big deal of immigrants, coming to the United States, when it was them, who encouraged them in the first place. Anyways, the United States lacked people to farm, hunt, mine, and do other things, that’s why immigrants were encouraged to come. The first states migrated to, were the thirteen colonies (1600s-1700s). English, French, Swedes, Finns, Germans, Irish Scottish, and Dutch settled in the 13 colonies. People migrated to the United States to escape death, poverty, religious or political persecution, and were seeking freedom, in hopes to have a better life. When settlers settled into United States, they had to work hard. Some immigrants came into contact with employers, who specified the time in conditions of labor, in exchanged for a passage to the new world . As a result of their labor, they acquired owner ship of small pieces of land. Not every one was lucky though, most immigrants got ripped of and had to work their asses of for nothing (mostly slaves though).
Before the 1800s immigration was slow, in 1808 congress banned the importation of slaves, and then in 1812-1814 war with Britain prevented any immigration to the United States. In 1819 the first federal legislation on immigration required notation of the passengers list, because immigration started increasing. First limitations on immigration started in 1875. The United States kept passing laws to make it harder for people to come to the U.S. But guess what? People still kept migrating to the United States. Within 1891 the Bureau of immigration was established, and the congress adds health qualifications to immigration restrictions. During 1910, Mexican revolution sends thousands of Mexicans to the United States seeking employment. Antebellum WWI began the mass of migration to the United States slowed down. Congressed also passed a literacy act in 1917 to restrain the arrival of low skilled immigrants from entering the country. After War World I ended the numbers of immigrants started to increase. To deal with this, the U.S. congress introduced new immigration policies. During 1921 the government introduced the National Origins Quota Act, limiting the number of illegal immigrants. Quotas were allocated to various ethnic groups to reduce immigration. In 1924 the border patrol was established. Within 1940 the Alien Registration Act calls for registration and finger printing of all aliens. During 1952 the Immigration and Naturalization Act brings into the comprehensive statute the multiple laws that govern immigration and naturalization to date. In 1965 The Immigration and Nationality Act Amendment removed all quotas.
But it didn’t matter what the United States of America was doing, because people still migrated and are still immigrating to the United States. Attempting to come to the United States has continuously increased in every era of U.S. history. Immigration made the U.S., newcomers helped transform American society and culture. I believe you can’t control immigration because, through history it has been proven. The government has made political acumen, trying to stop immigration by setting new laws and stuff. But people are still coming and will keep coming to the United States of America from all over the world, Mexico, Austria, Bohemia, Canada, China, Cuba, ,France ,Germany Italy, Hungary, India, Ireland Korea Philippines ,Poland, Russia, Vietnam ,and all the other countrys I didn’t mention.
Citation added:
"Histroy of immigration to the United States." Ed. .. 25 Sept. 2009. Wikipedia. 26 Sept. 2009
Diner, Hasia. "Immigration and U.S. History." 13 Feb. 2008. Hasia Diner. 26 Sept. 2009
Immigration to the United States,1851-1900." 2 Mar. 2004. Library of congress. 26 Sept. 2009
Current State of Illegal Immigration
Different people have different political acumen on immigration. For example, Ira Mehlman, the spokeperson for the Federation for American Immigration says, “Most people seem to think that immigration has affected most of the issues we have today in the U.S. On the other hand, the says, “America is being raped and pillaged by the illegal intruders.” Still other people seem to think that immigrants should have rights, while others just don’t care, or worry about the topic.
In this blog, I will talk about the current issues of immigration, what are problems, views, and solutions for illegal immigration. I will focus on one main group of immigrants, Mexicans. I focus on Mexicans because it seems to be a big issue in the U.S. today. The government doesn’t want any more Mexicans coming into the United States illegally, or being here illegally.
One way the U.S. has tried to stop illegal immigration is when they built the border fences along the Mexican borders. Some people think the fence is working and others that it doesn’t. Nestor Rodriguez, co-director of the Center for Immigration said, “The fence doesn’t stop migration along the border, it simply displaces migration.” Rosemary Jenks, director of government affairs said, “It sends a message we are finally getting serious about our borders.” Bill Odle is a retired marine that has lived on the border since 1997, he says, “It’s ugly. It doesn’t work. It cost too much money.” My opinion on the fences is that it is a waste of time and money. Immigrants are auspicious; they're always crossing the fence to the United States.
What I found interesting was that in 2006 more than 90 percent of 1.2 million illegal immigrants, were apprehended by border patrol along the border with Mexico. Eighty-eight percent were Mexicans, and nearly 150,000 from 197 other countries were caught there too. I also found out that the federal government improperly seized land for the fence, and also that the fence has affected wildlife, and it threatens the habitat for many birds. (CQ Press)
Another issue is that illegal immigrants protest for amnesty. An amnesty would benefit 12 to 20 million illegal immigrants. It forgives the act of illegal immigrants, and forgives other related acts, such as driving and working with false documents. The result of an amnesty is that illegal immigrants are rewarded with green cards. People don’t think that’s fair. Immigrants also work, and that seems to be a big issue in the United States. Factories and plants were raided by Immigration enforcement arresting hundreds of illegal workers. ICE also notified 652 businesses that it would inspect their hiring records to make sure they verified their workers legal status. I think that’s unfair. Immigrants are working, they're hired because employers need people to work for them. Do you see a problem with immigrants trying to work? I don’t. I don’t think people really care about the legal statues of immigrants. Like I said, employers need workers; immigrants are the ones that end up getting those jobs. They're not the best jobs, they're hard and it's pretty much labor work. Many people wouldn’t consider that a dream job, but for an immigrant, as long as they're getting paid it's all good.
It’s also important that we fix the illegal immigration system. It’s discriminatory against hard working families. Fees start to add up. Immigrants have to hire lawyers and pay thousands of dollar fees to be represented, if they have a good enough lawyer and they qualify, they can become residents.
One of Obama's priorites in office this year is including a plan to make legal status possible for an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants who already live here. Republicans say, “They will seek to mobilize popular outrage against any effort to legalize unauthorized immigrant workers while so many Americans are out of jobs.” Democratic legislative aides said that “opening a full-fledged debate this year on immigration, particularly with health care as a looming priority, could weigh down the president’s domestic agenda.” No serious legislative talks on the issue are expected until after some of Mr. Obama’s other priorities have been debated. Obama says,“I know this is an emotional issue; I know it’s a controversial issue.” He told an audience at a town meeting on March 18 in Costa Mesa, California, “I know that the people get real riled up politically about this.” He also said that immigrants that are long time residents but lack legal statues “have to have some mechanism over time to get out of the shadow.” The White House believes the public support for fixing the immigration system will outweigh opposition from voters who argue that immigrants take jobs from Americans.
The last big issue today is about health care. Obama's administration assures that illegal immigrants will not receive health insurance benefits. Legal residency will be required for anyone enrolling in an exchange under health care reform. Although the House version of the bill specifically excludes illegal immigrants from receiving federally-funded health benefits under the “Affordable Health Choices Act,” several Republicans, including Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) have complained that the bill lacks a mechanism to verify an applicant's immigration status before being included in the program. The House bill also does not explicitly prevent undocumented workers from spending their own money to enroll in a health care exchange (Preston). I don’t have any thing to argue about this issue because it’s recent, and I still don’t know all the facts about it.
I conclude that immigration is a very complicated topic with different views and ideas, and the ideas are either good or bad. The government has tried and will keep trying to decrease the numbers of immigrants coming and being in the U.S.
Pretson, Julia. ".Obama to Push Immigration Bill as One Priority." New York Times 8 Apr. 2009.
This article just talked about some of Obams immigration bill.
"American Border Fence." Press release. 19 Sept. 2008. CQ Press. 1 Oct. 2009
This source gave me border information.
"The Conservative Republican." 2005-2009. 3 Oct. 2009
This source talked a lot of negative things about illegal immigration, it gave me a different view of immigrants.